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West relationship with India & Pakistan after 1947

Indian Ideological Differences are Root Cause of Bad relations with West

Our First PM 
Chacha Nehru and his LOVE towards Socialism and Communism caused the rift between India and West.

1947, The world is almost divided and fighting on 2 Principles, Free Markets, Liberty Vs Communisim, Controlled Economy, Controlling People Freedom.

The Ideology of our country perfectly matching with Soviets that time and only difference was democracy was selected by our leaders than Single Party System or Suppresing Poitical rights.

India is a politically a democratic country but economy, our leadership was fully into socialist principles and India started supporting Soviet Bloc. We followed Soviet principles of All STATE Owned and Denied permissions for Private Industry. Profit was considered a Maha “Papa”.

Nehru started Hypocratic Non-Alignment Foreign Policy but the actions were Pro-Soviets, His daughter Indira took this policy to next step and pushed the country towards complete socialist policies and signed a treaty of friendshipwith soviet union in 1971.

Since India was not supproting West, They were forced to tilt towards Pakistan which was ready to accept West ideology of Free markets and ready to support their agenda in South Asia Zone. Pakistan was doing much better until 1990 compared to India on economy wise. Economically Average Pakistani was Richer than Average Indian till 1991.

After the Soviet Union collapse only our leaders came to ground reality from the Hallocition of Socialisim and started moving towards Free Market Economy. The Foreign Policy also changed accordingly and Govt started tilting towards West, Allowed Private Industy and Foreign investments into indian markets and Ideological differences are closed.

Once Indian Foregin policy is changed, West immedietly dumped pakistan and become friends with India from 1991 onwards. It took some time to make the bonding more strong. Presently we can see a STONG bonding between West and India on all the fields, Military, Economy, World Politics and Everywhere.

Indian Ideology and Foregin Policy was root cause of West mvoing towards Pakistan not because of some love on Pakistan. Purely INDIANs are Responsible.


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