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India and Road Tax

India Road Tax

Road Tax is a State Revenue they need this income to Build and Maintain the State Roads.

A Car registered in Delhi can’t run FREE of COST on Karnataka Roads or vice versa. Tax should be paid where the car is using the Roads.

Presently Vehicles can use any state roads for ONE year without paying any additional amount. People can use this if their stay is below 1 year or goes on Tourism.

If a person is moved to a new state for a longer duration, he can register the vehicle in new state, get a new plate and use the vehicle in the new state without any hassles. By showing this new registration one can get the refund from the old state. (Catch is Not easy to get money)


Center can create a system where user can register his vehicle in new state and money should be transferred from Old State to New State automatically between the states. This solves the problem of Users and States.

This is easy to implement and accounts can be settled between governments on monthly or weekly basis.

Government should provide this Service to its citizens on priority.


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