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India - Corruption and Wealth


Pic: Green Color = Less corruption. Red = More Corruption

Corruption is Directly Proportional to Poverty of the country.
Rich means Less Corruption, Poor means more Corruption.

With the above Data, We can cleary say more the salaries and More the Wealth in the country, It will bring down the corruption. Corruption Flourish in any socieity when there are less resources available than the demand. Corruption Flourish when there are restrictions and controls also.

Top 5 Best and worst countries based on corruption perception index. This clearly shows rich countries are less corruption prone compared to poor countries.

There is a relation between courrption and freedom of doing things. More the restrictions and Control by goverments, more chances of courrption. This is the reason why many of the socialist and communist and islamist countries are in general are heavily corrupted compared to free countries where freedom of expression, freedom of doing business, freedom of religion exists.

India Story

After our independence, our leadrship chosen Socialist economic policy than free market economy. This bought the Control Freak Government in the form of License-Quota-Raj. Private Industry was Discouraged, Literally Everything is under Govt control. schools, colleges, universities, factories, research and development, trasnport, agriculture, u name it everything is under Govt control.

Govt Jobs are created in such a way that, once a person gets a job, no one can remove the person from the post, no performance incentives, no punishment and full of post retire benefits. No competetion between companies and people working insdie companies. These type of rules and benefits and zero risk made burocracy unaccountable to anyone and made them like Mini Rajas inside their zones.

Socalist Policies of the country made us one of the poorest country. By 1990, Country was bankrupted and our forex touched to rock bottom level and no money to buy external items from the world market. Inside country everywhere poverty, no jobs and economy on collapse, people become lazy and it cretated a situation of LESS RESOURCES and MORE DEMAND.

The ones who are in ruling position (politicians and govt employees) started to accumalate money as the future is grim and nothing is certain, resource crunched, so corruption flourished, people started fighting for available resources and in this competetive situation, people started offering money and govt employees started demanding money for everyting. it looks like everything is running on black money and courrpted money. it was total chaos.

We got a ray of hope in the form of Narshimha Rao Government, 1991 reforms liberate the economy from the clutches of burocracy and license Raj, It made the markets to flourish, India came out of Worst Situation.

Wealth started growing in the country, Society started making progress, which made the Corruption to come down. Salaries of everyone is increased, morals started coming back to people. Since the basic needs are getting fulfilled, Lower Level corruption started coming down.

Higher Level Corruption

Top level or Political Corruption is still there because of our Election process, Majority of political parties need money to run day to day operations and elections, it become quiet common for people to take money and vote. This People corruption made the parties to accumlate money by doing high level corruption.

We need make running for an election is not a lucarative career for parties and political candidates, This is possible by going for more and more privatization of public companies and implementing “Minimum Government and Maximum Governance”, means lesser Ministers and Lesser Government Employees/Departments.

Once chances of Higher Level Corruption opportunities also come down then interested and service minded people only will contest elections without spending money and we will see a courrption free Government.

Once we make our country wealthy and liberal society, corruption will come down and we see a good and healthy society.


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