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Hindu Festivals and Leftists

If we divide ideology into Left and Right. Its not plain Right and Left. It is Mixed.

  • Political Ideology ( Left, Right )
    • Communist - Only Party Members Elect the Leader
    • Democracy - People Elect the Leader
  • Economic Policies
    • Socialist or State Controlled Markets
    • Free Market or Capitalist
  • Religious Ideology
    • Conservative - Islamic, Christian, Athiest
      • All these Ideologies divide the works into 2 groups. My Followers or Others. Semitic Religions are the ones can’t happy to live with others. They are EXCLUSIVE religions
    • Liberal Religious Ideas
      • Hinduism. It accepts God is Everywhere and Called by different names, every religion ultimate goal is ONE Truth.
      • Moderantised Christianity in West is also we can take as somwhat a liberal religion and doesn’t differentiate people that much. can take them as liberal religious followers.

Now Many People are Left Ideology on one aspect and will be Right on the Other Side. People got Mixed Ideologies in General

In India, Today in General Majority People are in favour of

  • Democracy (Everyone Likes this except few people like Maoists )
  • Free Markets (Slowly Picking up but Still 20 to 25% like state controlled)
  • Religious Views - Major Fight is here only
    • People want Hindu Culture to continue here and flourish
    • People Don’t like Hindu Culture or Hindu Haters
      • Communists - They don’t beleive in God
      • Islamists - They don’t like anyone execpt their God
      • Christians - They don’t like other gods except their God
      • Dhimmi Hindus - Never Beleive their Ancestors Greatness and used by others easily. Brain washed by Secularist Regime from last 50 years.

In india thereis No leftism and Leftists nothing but Pure Hindu Haters. Leftism, Liberalism is nothing but Islamism with communists. Thats why people started calling them as pseudo liberals, pseudo seculars.

These forces with the help of Dhimmi Hindus attack only Hindu festivals, Keep quiet on other faiths festivals. Mocking Hinduism and keep quiet or showing other facist and conservative faiths as modern ones.

These forces have occupied the positions in Press, Movies, Art and Few other Places from last 50+ Years. So it takes some time to remove them from those positions and clean these institues.

This ideological war is between Abrahamic forces Plus Communists and Hindutva forces.

They don’t fight with the government, They fight with Hindus only so they target Hindu Festivals. Some Innocent People Join with them in the name of Liberalism and used as scape goats in this fight. Hindus are awakening and educating others and the battle is now in the hindus favour. Once Hindus are fully awaken and United these Anti-Hindu forces will vanish very soon.

Hindutva is to protect Hinduism.

Without Hindutva Hinduism will vanish rapidly from this country. Hindutva protected Hindus from centuries. We got Krishnadeva raya, Shivaji, Sikh gurus, Lalitaditya, ahom kings in the past.

Today RSS BJP are the protectors of our dharma.If hindutva was not there we would have vanished like Persians, Greeks, Mespotonians, Egypt’s, Roamans, Mayns and many more.

Hinduism survived because of Hindutva.


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