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Indian Americans & Their Identity

Human Psychology is, We always associate ourselves with Rich and Great Heritage or to a Superior Lineage.

One Simple Example, a Person with his friends visits a Collector Office and there if he see 2 of his relatives working, One is Collector and other is a Clerk, He will ONLY introduce and link himself with collector, he neither associate himself nor reveal about clerk to his friends because it doesn’t give him any stature or value.

Someone like it or not, The fact about india is, we are a poor country. As long as we are poor, No one say proudly and loudly that he is Indian in the international scenario.

One can argue that I am patriot or nationalist so my country is great. WHAT is GREAT. any one taught us in schools or colleges about our greatness ?

Our Education system never taught us about the greatness of our country. We only studied secularised content to make some people happy and made our mindset as a slave mindset.

There is a rich heritage with us, worlds oldest language Sanskrit is ours, Worlds first book Rigveda is ours, The longest poem Mahabharat is ours. Our greatness in Metallurgy, Astronomy, Medicines, nothing was taught to us.

Yoga, the best mental and physical exercise, not told to our students, We never learned about Our ancestors and their greatness, We Indians gave the idea of spiritualness to world, Spiritual leaders are ONLY from india, you never find spirituality anywhere on this globe, we were not aware of that.

We never connected ourselves with great people of this land, scriptures, innovation, greatness and never created a mindset of proudness of heritage.

Secular India disconnected itself with India before 1947 and created a feeling that we are only there after independence. We were trained that this country is created only from 1947.

Our students were never taught about this country greatness because it doesn’t fit it into our secular concept. We always link ourselves from 1947 and we see ourselves as slaves, poor people and zero knowledge society.

As long as we continue to be poor and never associate ourselves with great Sages, Great Kings like Rama, Krishna, Kuru, Gupta, Maurya, Chola, Vijayanagara, Kakateeya, Lalitaditya, Ahom, Sivaji, and many more great souls, we never get respect in international society. Our own people will feel shy to tell their Identity.

First and foremost We should become RICH. We should make our per capita 50K US dollars, means we should reach a GDP of 70 trillions USD.

This is achievable, Remember On any given time on this earth, 25% of world population lived on bharath and contributed 25% of GDP also. so reaching 70 Trillions is achievable.

Become Rich and Connect with Our Ancestors, Everyone physical boundary Indians plus all Indian nationals (Akhand Bharath) around the world will Proudly SHOUT that they are Indians. Psychology is, We always associate ourselves with Rich and Great Heritage or to a Superior Lineage.

One Simple Example, a Person with his friends visits a Collector Office and there if he see 2 of his relatives working, One is Collector and other is a Clerk, He will ONLY introduce and link himself with collector, he neither associate himself nor reveal about clerk to his friends because it doesn’t give him any stature or value.

Someone like it or not, The fact about india is, we are a poor country. As long as we are poor, No one say proudly and loudly that he is Indian in the international scenario.

One can argue that I am patriot or nationalist so my country is great. WHAT is GREAT. any one taught us in schools or colleges about our greatness ?

Our Education system never taught us about the greatness of our country. We only studied secularised content to make some people happy and made our mindset as a slave mindset.

There is a rich heritage with us, worlds oldest language Sanskrit is ours, Worlds first book Rigveda is ours, The longest poem Mahabharat is ours. Our greatness in Metallurgy, Astronomy, Medicines, nothing was taught to us.

Yoga, the best mental and physical exercise, not told to our students, We never learned about Our ancestors and their greatness, We Indians gave the idea of spiritualness to world, Spiritual leaders are ONLY from india, you never find spirituality anywhere on this globe, we were not aware of that.

We never connected ourselves with great people of this land, scriptures, innovation, greatness and never created a mindset of proudness of heritage.

Secular India disconnected itself with India before 1947 and created a feeling that we are only there after independence. We were trained that this country is created only from 1947.

Our students were never taught about this country greatness because it doesn’t fit it into our secular concept. We always link ourselves from 1947 and we see ourselves as slaves, poor people and zero knowledge society.

As long as we continue to be poor and never associate ourselves with great Sages, Great Kings like Rama, Krishna, Kuru, Gupta, Maurya, Chola, Vijayanagara, Kakateeya, Lalitaditya, Ahom, Sivaji, and many more great souls, we never get respect in international society. Our own people will feel shy to tell their Identity.

First and foremost We should become RICH. We should make our per capita 50K US dollars, means we should reach a GDP of 70 trillions USD.

This is achievable, Remember On any given time on this earth, 25% of world population lived on bharath and contributed 25% of GDP also. so reaching 70 Trillions is achievable.

Become Rich and Connect with Our Ancestors, Everyone physical boundary Indians plus all Indian nationals (Akhand Bharath) around the world will Proudly SHOUT that they are Indians.


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